Monday, July 19, 2010

How about Korgru for a baby name?

It came to me in a dream last night and seems perfect for my new baby. My partner hates it and wants to name the child Noothia after his cousin, but Noothia seems old fashioned to me.

Which would you choose Korgru or Noothia?

How about Korgru for a baby name?
I hope you are kidding, because that is just soooo wrong. Both of those names are brutal!
Reply:Are you an attention seeker, A vegetarian,??? I thought so.

Call your kids these, they will later have the piss taken out of them, and you will be locked up.!!! YOU FOOL.
Reply:i think you need to get a grip. they are both awful.
Reply:no. your kid will be made fun of for the rest of their life.
Reply:I would choose Korgru Noothia does not scream Pazaz
Reply:What do those names mean, and in what language?
Reply:Do you want your child to hate you? If you give your baby either of these ridiculous names they will suffer though out their childhood big time,
Reply:not nice.
Reply:dont know.. i cant even say that...
Reply:im not going to sit here and tell you how dumb you are for wanting to name your baby these names.

i just want to say that they both sound a little too "made up" for me.

its your choice, but to be honest, i would think of a new name, both names could result in your kid being picked on.
Reply:Why not mix them like Korthia or Noogru
Reply:Both of them are horrible. Name it something normal.
Reply:I think that you should stop drinking. If you don't then see a Psychologist.
Reply:um niether..strange

i just read your info and i think ur a little off
Reply:WoW! You have bad taste!! Boooo!
Reply:only if you are delivering an ape
Reply:none of those,beside they are ugly name
Reply:Don't do either to your child. Think of what they will go through. You shouldn't name your child something you know that they will most likely not be happy with just because YOU like the sound of it. Its not about you
Reply:no don't like them, they will be teased for life!!!
Reply:Neither; unless you are in a part of the world where someone has heard these names before, the child will be made fun of to no end. However, if I'm totally in the dark and you live somewhere that these names ARE common, maybe pick one for the first name and one for the middle name??
Reply:do you not like your child???
Reply:your a mean parent if you call your child either of them.
Reply:I have no idea.... I'm too Anglo to answer that one.
Reply:Don't fight it, keep taking the pills !
Reply:I like to try to figure out the kid can be mocked in school.

When I say Korgru out loud, I think of kangaroo.
Reply:Neither, they`re both gross. Just the sort of names that other kids will take the p*** out of.
Reply:Neither, find a name that sounds nice not scary or not cool my opinion
Reply:Maybe you'll have another dream tonight in which a better name will come to you!
Reply:I am with your Partner on this one... sorry.
Reply:i dont like it

nuethia is ok
Reply:neither one,,they both suck ?? if you name it korgru,he/she will be called kori,cori, ?? all there lives anyway. so why even bother ??

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