Thursday, July 22, 2010

What makes you a valuable part of the Baby Name section?

1. What professional qualifications do you possess which give you insight into Baby Names? (as there is no qualification for Baby Names, be creative!)

2. What career experience do you have which has given you knowledge of Baby Names? Again, be creative!

3. What hobbies or personal experience have given you an understanding of Baby Names?

4. What personal qualities do you possess which make you an ideal Baby Name adviser?

This is basically your chance to show off and toot your own horn, so go on ... impress me!!!

What makes you a valuable part of the Baby Name section?
1. Hmm, let's see. I have a degree in Art History, which means that I can be overly critical, and yet at the same time through everything out the window and like something "just 'cause." Also, the "history" part of my career has given me some insight into the past and different cultures, which has opened me up to more names. The "art" part allows me to be creative with names but still appreciate the classics.

2. My career is a photographer. I guess that I am introduced to names through clients that I photograph. And, I have connections to other photographers, so I know what "creative" people name their kids.

3. I guess my hobby is baby names. I have probably close to 15 or 20 name books. I try to keep my self up to date on current trends as well as constantly scouring the globe (from the comfort of my living room) for exotic names that I'd never heard before.

4. I tend to be open minded. Of course I have my own style and there are names that I don't like. But for the most part I try to keep an open mind. Also, once I get to know someone I tend to be pretty good at finding names that they'd like. For instance, my best friend since kindergarten just had a baby. When she found out it was a boy, she asked me for name suggestions (we'd never talked names before). And I suggested 10 or so names off the top of my head that I thought she'd like. She responded completely shocked: I'd named every name on their final list.
Reply:1. I am an architect, and I have been employed by everyone from a young woman named Qeallianna (kay-lee-ah-nuh) to a couple (Mary and James) with a son named Zilk. (pronounced like silk with a z) .

2. Mispronouncing Qeallianna as (qwuh-lee-ah-nuh) and being introduced to the name Robert on a girl. (I am not a fan.)

3. Having two daughters who's names I slaved over for some time before coming up with Anna Evyn and Esme Nicole.

4. An open mind, a critical mouth, and a general knowledge of what names kids will tease you because of!
Reply:1. Teacher.........over the years I've seen definite positive and negative trends in names....certain names just automatically doom your child to being ADHD, whiny, etc. while other names elicit nothing but memories of perfect, angelic children:)

2. again, teacher. it's amazing how certain names stick with you, in both good and bad ways, but mostly bad. There are certain names I loved that I could now *never* name my child because of a kid I had in class!

3. Does TTC count as a hobby? It certainly feels like one lately:)

4. I'm bored on a computer:)
Reply:Answer to all:

I (hopefully) stop people from naming their children stupid names, like Jayden, Mykynzy, and others of that ilk.
Reply:LMAO - I now need a resume to give my opinion huh :P

1. I've read a ton of books with various characters/names - I've worked/volunteered in schools and other centers with children - I've been reading specifically about names for about half my life now... (hobby level - nothing too serious)

2. Life experience - If I meet somebody with an unusual name, I am likely to ask the origin and meaning or to try and look it up on my own... Also, like I stated above, I've read a ton of books and find new and interesting names in them all the time!

3. See above two answers :)

4. I ALWAYS read the question so that I know what it is I am suppose to be helping with!

- I try to not bad mouth a name that is an acceptable name, but not my style

- I try to give reasonable pros or cons when asked (or at least state when it is simply my opinion)

- I try and do some research when I am unsure about the name/history/origins/popularity

- If somebody asks for opinions, I am happy to give them... but if somebody asks for middle names of a particular type (even if it is not at all my style), I try and help or simply not answer... and if somebody asks for middle names while stating that this WILL BE their daughters name and they don't really need opinions on it, I try to respect their wishes and simply give them what they ask for or not answer the question...

- Overall, I try and be courteous as I would like for others to be to me :-)
Reply:i like it here

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