Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is the worst/ strangest baby name you've ever heard?

For me, I'm stuck between 'La'Vatorie" and "Dis'kete'

Who would do that to a child?

What is the worst/ strangest baby name you've ever heard?
Shi'thead--saw it on some TV program, decided to pronounce it (shee-thad)

I pity the teacher who sees that name on the class list.
Reply:Lardweiner. Seriously.
Reply:Twins named "Orangello" (maybe oranjello?) and "Lemonjello" because the mom had orange jello and lemon jello in the hospital!
Reply:I've heard of twins named Speed and Guy.....

and I have seen with my eyes a little girl named (pronounced) Sha-thee-id but spelled Shithead.....
Reply:Toylette (seriously) and someone actually tried to name their kid 4real (but they couldn't have numbers in the name, so they ended up naming him Real) I feel sorry for that kid (It was on yahoo a long time ago, you can google it if you want).
Reply:I heard on heart 106.2 that someone called their child 'dwain pipe'

How cruel!
Reply:Met a college girl a couple years ago who's parents, the Springs, had named her "Summer Fall Springs"

His parents didn't know it but when they named their son Ronald 49 years ago, he would become the famous Ronald McDonald, but didnt' sell burgers rather was in the Coast GUard.
Reply:Xor (pronounced Zor) That sounds like a cheesy 80's cartoon Villian. Also the comedian couple that named their kid "Moxie Crimefighter." Seriously, where are the name police?!
Reply:Dick (that's just asking for it)

apple (that's just crazy)

Reply:some weird names are actually names, like F.u.k or Fat in Asia. there's an actor Chow Yun Fat.

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