I am 6 weeks pregnant with a tubal pregnancy and have to terminate should we name the baby? We will never no what we would have had.
Baby name for a baby that you have to terminate?
You could decide on the name that you would've named the child on the day he or she was born and maybe make some sort of plaque in rememberence if you'd like. I don't think you will need to fill out information for a death certificate so you don't have to give the baby a name if you rather not.
Reply:I was to devastate to think of name the child i miscarried. I just knew that some day i would be blessed again and be able to name another child.And i was able to name two but i well always remember the one i lost even if it did not have a name
Reply:I would. Then you might plant a little memorial garden somewhere, a place to visit and remember. Blessings.
Reply:Yes you should. This is a baby that was wanted and loved already. Deserves recognition in your life.
Reply:I think you should name your baby, he/she is alive and is a person and deserves to be acknowledged
Reply:Oh Sweetie,I am so sorry that you have to go through this! I would name it something that would work for either a boy or a girl,since you won't know the sex of the baby. Like: Terry,Sydney,Alex,Jerri,Toni,Brooke or something like that. I think you need to name the baby to help you grieve and plant you a little tree in the back yard with the baby's name on a plaque and when you feel sad go visit the baby or take it flowers,what ever you feel comfortable doing,this is your child and you need to do what you feel is best in order to help you and your family heal!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Reply:I went through something similar and my baby is named Jordan, I liked the name for a boy or girl before, so I named he/she Jordan. I'm sorry for you, the father, and baby.
Reply:This is truly a personal decision that you and your husband need to make. I miscarried at 7 weeks and we already had a name picked out for a little boy and that's the name we used even though we didn't know for sure. For us his name was all that we had of him. For some people naming their baby helps them find closure. Some people just want to move on. It is totally up to you.
Reply:The baby still deserves a name. Try to pick something neutral that could be a boys or girls name. This will also help deal with the loss of your child.
Reply:I would say name it a gender neutral name..like Blair..I beleive it will help you heal from the process of losing a child...
My your Higher Power be with you...
Reply:i dont think so i mean if its not going to be born tan it is probably not really worth it but finals decision is on you!
Reply:Yes, it still deserves a name
Reply:It may sound harsh, but do not. Certainly not at 6 weeks. Try again and give your next child a special name, not the name you would have chosen for this child, if you had already chosen a name.
You will make the psychologcal healing process more difficult if you give the foetus a name. In most countries and cultures, the name is only chosen at a later stage. In some countries (Nepal, Indonesia) the name is only given a few days after birth, because so many babies die in the first days. No name means less personal relationship.
Reply:Yes, it will help you to grieve for the baby in your own way. You can always pick a name that is for either a girl or a boy. Many people do cause it helps them to remember the baby by name as opposed to just the baby. Do what feels right for you and will help you to get through this difficult time.
Reply:You should name it "Thank God for Abortion Rights."
If our President has his way, you would not be able to have an abortion, even though your life may be in danger. This is how lame the thought process in this country is. Personally, I wish you well - I can imagine, that in a wanted pregnancy case such as your, this must be a horrifying thought that you must terminate your pregnancy.
On the other hand, I hope Bush's daughter gets raped by a lunatic who impregnates her - lets see if good old Daddy wouldnt give her an abortion then! Also, I hope Cheney comes down with ball cancer so bad that they only thing that will cure his symptoms is marijuana - let's see if the govt. position on that doesnt change too.
Reply:it you wont know if its a boy or a girl - you shouldn't. but you should never forget it.
Reply:Even if its for a short time, we cud still name the baby. Its totally normal. Lets see,i like the name Jason.And if its a girl Mary. How does that sound?
Reply:if you are going to bury it then you should name it if not they i wouldn't (but do what your heart tell you to do)
Reply:This is completly up to you. My cousin was in the same situation and found it too difficult to name the baby, though she was farther along than you (not that it really matters, it is hard to do no matter how far along you are). For some people it makes it easier to come to tearms with. Talk it over with you partner and come to a decision together.
Reply:I had a miscarriage when i was only like three weeks pregnant and i named the baby. I named him/her jessie. I mean it was a baby maybe not fully developed but i think he/she deserved a name. I am so sorry for your loss but there is a reason for everything that happens. Don't blame yourself about this. I know how you are feeling but maybe it just wasn't meant to happen right now just like in my case. I hope you feel better soon.
Reply:try Beth
Reply:alex for alex or alexandria
Reply:Yes, you should. Hope will be a good name.
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